Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Katherine River - Nitmiluk Gorge

The splendid Nitmiluk Gorge has come a little too soon for us after Lawn Hill. It is much more commercial here at Katherine and so many more people too. It is also the NT school holidays at the moment and they get four weeks in the NT! It means you have to fight for space in the caravan parks in Katherine the town. But at the gorge itself there is a splendid privately owned caravan park where we had no difficulty getting a space. There is the river itself to swim in as well as a lovely swimming pool in the campground. The swimming pools at campgrounds are all very attractive and are very welcome to weary travellers after driving long distances or walking steep climbs.

The gorges of Lawn Hill and Katherine of course beg comparison. There are 13 gorges in total here at Kathrine and we did a 4 hour boat cruise going to 3 gorges. All run parallel to each other with side gorges at right angles. Our guide said it was similar to a mango when you cut it into squares, the arrangement of the gorges and their relationships to each other. Perhaps a helicopter ride would do the most justice to them all but the price is $75 for an 8 minute ride with costs escalating by the number of gorges covered was not worth it we thought.

We favour the Lawn Hill gorge ourselves. I like the narrowness of the gorge there and the waterfalls. There are waterfalls here too but only in the wet season.

Our followers can compare the photos and decide for yourselves.
It is very beautiful however. Maybe we are getting spoilt.

Another shot of oen of the gorges.

And yet another.
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1 comment:

  1. Now, Nikki if you can't splurge on a helicopter ride what can you? Or are you saving it up for when you fly over the Bungle Bungles?
